

Description of project:

The main objective of the project is to improve the living condition of rural population through smallholder value chain development in order to provide solutions that increased the income and capabilities of SFCLs engaged in production, processing and marketing on a sustainable basis. Other objective sets to achieve the main assignment are as follows.

Implementation of Agriculture Market Development

Implementation of SFCL Productivity Enhancement

Project Management and Coordination

Actual major services include following activities:

Increased Value Addition and Access to Markets

i. Training on cooperative marketing

ii.   Establishment of marketing sub-committee

iii.  Training on processing techniques

iv. Linkage with market players and processors

v.  Establishment of district market

vi.  Organize Agriculture trade exhibition

vii.  Linkage with potential partners on market information systems

viii. Training on improved processing and storage techniques (ToT )

Demand driven infrastructure

i . Construction and management of processing units

ii. Construction and management of commodity stores

iii. ToT awareness training on post harvest loss

iv.  Construction and management of micro-irrigation structures

Effectively serving members

i . Training on Farmer to Farmer replication process

ii. Training of SFCL on input procurement

iii. Training on Cooperative Management

iv. Training on Good Governance and Gender & Social Inclusion

vi. Training on knowledge management

Production and Productivity

i.  Training on new technologies and renewable energy

ii.  ToT on organic farming systems

iii.  ToT for resource trainers for improved production techniques

iii. Establishment and management of Farmer Field Schools


For the details about Agriterra Please refer this link 


NACCFL Chairperson Elected as Board Member of World Farmer Organization

On behalf of NACCFL Nepal, we extend our heartfelt congratulations to you on this prestigious appointment. May your tenure be marked by significant accomplishments, pioneering initiatives, and fruitful partnerships. Your unwavering dedication to agriculture and your steadfast commitment to enhancing the livelihoods of farmers globally will undoubtedly leave a lasting impact, particularly benefiting Nepalese small-scale farmers.

We look forward to witnessing the positive outcomes of your leadership and contributions to the international agricultural community.

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NACCFL Nepal current Employment Status and Future Prospects - Jun 23,2024

The 1st  COOP Job Fair 2081 (Ashad 7-Ashad 9 ) has been successfully organized by NCF Nepal. The General Manager of NACCFL Nepal delivers a comprehensive presentation detailing the current status and future prospects of NACCFL in fostering employment opportunities



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