# Title Author Pubisher Pubished-date Download
1 Annual Report 2021/22 NACCFL NACCFL 2023-02-16
2 By Laws NACCFL NACCFL 2023-02-10
3 Solar Pumping Procedure Solar Water Procedure Winrock International 2019-02-06
4 Solar water pumping Winrock, NACCFL, AEPC Winrock, NACCFL, AEPC 2019-01-04
5 Project Factsheet Plastic Pond Rainwater Harvesting Systems (1) Laurent-Charles Tremblay Lévesque NACCFL 2018-08-01
6 Nepali Translation PP-RWHS Handbook Laurent-Charles Tremblay Lévesque NACCFL 2018-08-01
7 PRACTICAL HANDBOOK How to Build Plastic Ponds Rainwater Harvesting Systems (PP-RWHS)? Laurent-Charles Tremblay Lévesque NACCFL 2018-07-18
8 PROJECT FACTSHEET Fog Water Collection Pilot Study Laurent-Charles Tremblay Lévesque NACCFL 2018-07-18
9 CONFLICTS OVER WATER FOR IRRIGATION IN BAJRABARAHI, NEPAL L.C. Tremblay Lévesque Nepal Agricultural Cooperative Central Federation Limited 2018-04-19
10 गाउपालिका र नगरपालिकाकाे सहकारी एेनकाे नमूना राष्टि्य सहकारी स‌घं राष्टि्य सहकारी स‌घं 2018-03-14
11 Integrated Water Resources Management Handbook for Small Farmers of Nepal Laurent-Charles Tremblay Lévesque Nepal Agricultural Cooperative Central Federation Limited 2018-02-26
12 Brochure 2018 NACCFL NACCFL 2018-01-19
13 Strengthening agricultural cooperative management in Nepal Meena Pokhrel FAO 2018-01-03

NACCFL Chairperson Elected as Board Member of World Farmer Organization

On behalf of NACCFL Nepal, we extend our heartfelt congratulations to you on this prestigious appointment. May your tenure be marked by significant accomplishments, pioneering initiatives, and fruitful partnerships. Your unwavering dedication to agriculture and your steadfast commitment to enhancing the livelihoods of farmers globally will undoubtedly leave a lasting impact, particularly benefiting Nepalese small-scale farmers.

We look forward to witnessing the positive outcomes of your leadership and contributions to the international agricultural community.

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NACCFL Nepal current Employment Status and Future Prospects - Jun 23,2024

The 1st  COOP Job Fair 2081 (Ashad 7-Ashad 9 ) has been successfully organized by NCF Nepal. The General Manager of NACCFL Nepal delivers a comprehensive presentation detailing the current status and future prospects of NACCFL in fostering employment opportunities



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